Saturday, May 04, 2013

Artikel menarik PRU13 : Read it

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BN and PR : Stop telling me how bad the other side is
. I have been running a business for the past 19 years. Our marketing strategy is quite simple. We tell our clients and our potential clients how our services can help them, how experienced our people are, how we control the quality of our work and how up-to-date our technology is. We "advertise" our strengths and our track record. Most successful companies have the same marketing strategy. (BTW, there are other facets of marketting -communicating, positioning, branding, etc, etc).
We never waste our precious time and resources sabotaging or bad-mouthing our competitors. Sabotaging or bad-mouthing our competitors does not add value to our clients. BTW, our business is doing very well, thank you. [of course we also try to keep track of what competitors are doing – we just don't talk about it]
This simple strategy works for the most of us.
So, why the duck do politicians and political parties do exactly the opposite?. They spend disproportionate amount of their time trying to bring down the other side. Instead of telling the voters how well they have performed, how well they have delivered their promises or how they see the future, most of these clowns spend so much of their energy bad-mouthing the other side. Not a day passes without someone from Pakatan condemning BN nor does a day passes without someone from BN bitching about Pakatan. PKR condemns UMNO, MCA whacks DAP, PAS says everyone else will go to hell, the orgy goes on and on.
What I (and I am sure most of you too) want to hear from both sides is how these buggers are going to propel Malaysia forward. It is quite simple isn't it? Why can't you spend less time bitching about the other side and spend more time telling the people how we as a nation are going to move forward? Tell me how you have cleaned up your own party. Tell me how competent your people are. Tell me what you have done in the states that you are governing now. Tell me how you will lead the country. Tell me how you will make my life and the lives of other Malaysian better. Tell me how you will attract investments. Tell me how you will create jobs.Tell me how you will strengthen our education and health systems. Tell me how you will eradicate poverty. [and for goodness sake, tell with facts and figures how you going to it - I do not want to hear populist shit].
Stop telling me how bad the other side is. It does not interest me nor does it add value to my life.
Monyet King also says
Next time you hear a politician bitching about how bad the other side is, I suggest you smack him/her on the face.