Wednesday, July 14, 2010

When In Rome ... **winks**( ' ,_,< )

Ini antara filem yang dah lama aku nak tengok.. and akhirnya aku dapat torrent dari www. Bagus betul zaman sekarang.. Citer ni pada mulanya agak best tapi akhirnya macam tak best.. Kadang-kadang aku rasa ntah hapa-hapa pun ada.. memang romantik komedi.. and I love Josh duhamel.. he likes a cute when playing funny character.. Kristen Bell tak best.. tu jer bley kata..

Below are the comment given by teruk giler rating dia kasi... pada aku humpphh kira ok la..

Blu-Ray Rating: 1.0/5.0
Kristen Bell certainly has the potential to carry a feature-length star vehicle, but no role, not even Sarah Marshall, has given her the opportunity to shine. She’s primarily been required to look pretty while blankly observing the antics of various male eccentrics. In “Rome,” she tries to be funny herself, but ends up doing a pale imitation of Anne Hathaway’s klutzy pratfalls and self-aware snark. She’s improbably cast as a New York art curator who races to Rome for her sister’s wedding, and falls for the groom’s hunky roommate, played by Josh Duhamel, doing a pale imitation of Vince Vaughn’s deadpan, rapid-fire line delivery. Disillusioned by her dating track record, she steals five coins from the Fountain of Love, thus causing the male owners of each coin to fall hopelessly in love with her. But these “suitors” aren’t just in love. They’re raving maniacs hammering their one-note "

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